Emmanuel Yirenkyi Antwi, CEO of Key Empire Group appointed Board Director to the Alliance for Responsible Mining.
CEO and owner of Key Empire Resources Ltd and Gold Empire Resources Ltd, Mr Emmanuel Yirenkyi Antwi has been appointed as the board director of the Alliance for Responsible Mining.
ARM continues to broaden our horizons, and 2020 is a good opportunity to rethink and renew. As an organization founded in Colombia, on their road to “globalization” they have aimed at maintaining their identity of the south, rooted in the realities of the territories where they work.
He has over 9 years of experience with the ASGM sector in Ghana and Africa. He thus has acquired immense experience in mining especially small-scale mining, gold sales and risk management, investments and systems review of private sector organizations including the Ghana National Association of Small Scale Miners. He also has extensive experience in Business IT solutions and Investment portfolio management and training for organizations especially business associations and NGOs. He is also experienced in Marketing and Media communication design, implementation and reviews for organizations.
By the end of 2018, they founded ARM Europe to nurture alliances on this continent as well as to coordinate their projects in Africa, keeping our main office – ARM’s brain – in Latin America.
Further Reading: https://www.responsiblemines.org/en/2020/04/evolution-boards-of-directors-arm/
Beautiful Theme 🙂